control panel
Designing Control Panel Control Panel Components Any industrial control panel is built with many components just like an electronic circuit board. There are modules for power conversion and distribution, there are energy dissipation and storage modules, switching components at many kHZ, safety modules to protect users as well as electronic components, lots of wires, nuts and bolts, list goes on. We...
Advancement in machine safety devices Operation of safety relay The typical design of a safety relay is based on the classic 3 contactor combination. The design ensures that wiring errors do not lead to the loss of the safety function. Two relays (K1, K2) with positive-guided contacts - set of NO and NC contacts that operate together so NO and NC...
machine safety
Safety On Board Need for integrated safety on board controllers Today, production managers require more productivity through machines. Manufacturing industry suffers from stopping production line to perform day-to-day maintenance activities. Once multi axis motion controller based manufacturing line running hundred's of delta robots is stopped, engineers are required to re-synchronize axis if integrated safety is not implemented in the production line...
rotary encoder
Servo Motion Control In servo motion, a feedback sensor - usually encoder - is used to continuously measure position and speed of motor to correct motor speed. By using feedback sensor, we can get very accurate results. Most servo motors now have on-board 'Motor Encoder'. However, additional encoders could be placed on the actual mechanical axis to compare against actual line...
Building a PC
Computer Architecture Whether you want to build a gaming PC or a custom PC solution for industrial control system, building PC is great fun and you might end up building a PC that is far more powerful, aesthetically pleasant and cheaper than commercial off the shelf desktop PCs. Here, I have put down a very brief list of few of...